Vincent Henderson

Vincent Henderson

Trying to compute what things mean | Knowledge supply chain | Professionals using tech || || || Twitter, ClubHouse: @vhen

16 posts
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Mar 24, 2021

What algorithm should we use? | Real teams doing AI

What algorithm should we use? | Real teams doing AI

When should the question of algorithms come up in AI projects? AI algorithms do a lot of useful things. We look into the basics of algorithms here, what they do, their advantages and drawbacks and consider to what extent they will solve your problem.

Mar 10, 2021

Let's solve a problem with AI! | Real teams doing AI

Let's solve a problem with AI! | Real teams doing AI

How do small teams in a regular business try to get value out of AI? Let's take a break from marveling at protein folding, AlphaZero and dancing robots. Let's talk about normal people trying to do AI. This is the first in a series of about 5 posts on getting started with AI projects.